Monday, February 7, 2011

divine love

God gives everyone repeated opportunities to make it to fulfill desires by working them out in right way-if not in one life, then in lives to come-until all have been reached at.

But the bare fact is this that no fulfillment of material desire will make one content but the divine love.

Wealth of material world creates race that results in unrest. Track of divine love is full of contentment, peace and bliss.

Million are on track to meet the desire to attain mundane wealth by any how and at the end of life; each one is rudely confronted with realization the way other.

The anguish or yielding of the soul to realize him, who is delighted in self and over content with all desires fulfilled and know that to be love meant for.

Gather objects of passion that sound, touch, form, taste or smell and offer them as sacrifice to the fire of senses, cannot be the meaning of love. Love never knows any lust and if it is for ultimate soul mate, means divine.

It is divine loves that fulfills in life on the cord of desire. It is divine love that gives the feeling of contentment.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please