Wednesday, February 16, 2011

health and truth

Health is the basic subject of life and it is state of equilibrium of three humors of the body as per ayurved, vaat, pit, kaph {air, bile and phlegm}. When mind and all organs in body works in harmony and concord-one enjoys true health and perform designated duties all well.

Good health makes one to live a true life; it is that condition in which one has a good digestion and good apatite that indicates most on the state of heart and mind which further impact on thoughts and deeds.

Indeed a sound mind indicates sound body and vice versa. A life with good health is a blessing indeed. Life without Good health is miserable-indeed old age indicates poor health but that is a process of nature life belongs to.

Diseases of the body are attributed to hatred, anger, greed, lust, vanity, worry and depression which concord the mind and react on the body about various physical diseases by destroying the cells of body.

As per the quotes of sages man enjoys Good health on account his past deeds especially the script of previous birth. He who had done meritorious service in previous incarnation, he who had earned virtues merits, he who have performed true charity, he who realized the truth at its best enjoy good health in this birth till conclusion of journey.

Indeed life and orbit of life that relates to one is reflects of deeds in previous incarnation but still every one is blessed with free will with in the orbit to correct alignment of self to a permissible limit and write the script of next.

One needs to adore truth and practice yoga in true spirit to make the life smile on the cord of health and truth.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please