Sunday, February 20, 2011

Man has right to attain God

Man desirous of attaining God is entitled to attain irrespective to cast, creed, stage of life, condition or be a great sinner on the cord of illusion.

Aspirant at its first step must realize his existence along with. Aspirant must make a note that God exist every where and at all times.

Aspirant must make a note that longing at heart is a must chapter to attain him. To know the pace of longing one may learn from fish that fish can not be survive without water and the same kind of longing make him manifest for.

Attainment of god is not a tough subject- it is very easy in all respect but needs longing than that of actions.

Relation of god is marked by equality with cast, stage of life, sect, order, and condition. God belongs to all especially those keeps longing for and love him.

It is deficiency in earnest longing that cause delay in God’s attainment but not because of inadequacy of efforts.

Man has right to attain God and under any circumstances one can achieve God. Human life is really meant for attainment of God.

Actions in life may match the cord but attainment through longing is the basic principal. In attainment of God spiritual feeling and good conduct is too a must factor.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please