Tuesday, March 8, 2011

be careful

One needs to be careful and conscious on the track of life that precious gift awarded by the god in the form of human life is fleeting way every moment. No one knows how much balance is in the basket of time to carry on with. Uncertainty is the truth of time with respect to events in life.

If running for a blind race of wealth and fame one need to make a pause and rethink twice on the cord of ultimate truth.

One needs to be careful in deeds that it must not derail the truth that part to regain the human birth on the planet to prove self in the lotus feet of lord on the cord of love and truth.

At the conclusive time of this journey neither wealth nor fame will moves along, it will be the truth of self and wealth of name that one earned through chanting the true name goes with.

Be careful while to carry on with and make sure that creature of god never be harm in any form because ultimate destination is God alone and he counts all.

Do celebrate the life at its best but carefully. Must enjoy the life but in true spirit. Care and true consciousness is must to make journey of life a success.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please