Wednesday, March 30, 2011

God bless them

Even after attaining the human profile if one cause pain to others is really pity on part of them. Hurting others either by thoughts words and deeds is really sad for human.

Conversely quite often people indulge in causing harm to the body, reputation, prosperity and well being of others; even if there is no apparent advantage derived by such misdeed-they enjoy the sort of boost to their ego by demeaning and doing harm to others.

Hurting others is classified in two categories in broad spectrum_
Hurting others with self interest
Hurting others cause for the sake of it-without reaping any advantage out of it just to nourish ego

Both kinds of people are far from being called themselves as human; they are mare demons in the garb of human.

On the other hand true human bear pain to serve other disinterestedly; they are really great those who help others by hurting their own interest and God bless them all well.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please