Monday, May 30, 2011

faith in mercy of gracious lord

After kindling the fire of yoga, past karma-both good and bad consigned to it as fuel, constant awareness unto self that I am the same as that of absolute make it to manifest the dazzling flame of the lamp that cause the bliss of realization in the lustrous chamber of heart.

When one attains the state of realization, roots of worldly existence dispersed, infinite darkness of ignorance is disappeared.

Spirit can hope to attain its object only be graduating the mind through the practice of truth at it’s optimizing pace.

Concentration of mind make it to manifest power that may leads one to indulge in en-cashing penance through worldly mode that is the wisdom of Maya but those make it to cross this limit attain the wisdom of being human in true passion.

If one fails to reach at the requisite destination even after attain the human profile, it will really be sad for and subjected to many fold agonies of transmigration that is really hard to bear for any one.

Indeed the path of gnosis is difficult to expound, even more difficult to grasp but the simplicity of heart and faith in mercy of gracious lord make one to achieve so that is hard even through knowledge.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please