Monday, May 2, 2011

oneness with God

Spiritual path is the path that aligns self with the supreme one to attain oneness so called unison or emancipation.

Spiritual practice makes one to realize self-it helps one to control the pitch of mind that matches with vibes of heart on the cord of love that divine one. Spirit engrossed in illusion of the world and supreme align to the spirit but lack of proper orientation creates the difference on the path of love that divine one.

Mind control is one thing and longing for the soul mate is other when they correlates each other on the cord of sacred practices as define by the sages of the time and era it make one to achieve the motto of being human.

One thread that runs through all is mind control and ethical way of life with stronger belief in the supreme reality; strong desire to have unison is the force that controls all and threads one to the designated destination.

Acceptance by mind is the subject that concern but if mind is graduated in true spirit it becomes very easy for any one to attain oneness with God on the cord of realization.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please