Friday, June 10, 2011

human life

One cannot afford to live a selfish life even after attaining the human profile; human life is precious gem to attain the highest wisdom of spirituality.

Spirituality may not be the subject for other spices in direct mode on the cord of life but for human it is very special privileged to use the faculty of body for the cause, cause to liberate self from the bondage of Maya.

In fact spirituality is to love God and his creation. To reach in realms of spirituality, one needs to realize self and establish link with ultimate soul-mate with love.

Disinterested service to mankind and nature is one of the ways to love the God, serving the people of all walks of life without discrimination, wining the enemies without fight makes one to reach in the orbit human needs to be in.

Indeed destiny can be changed to favor if one keeps faith in self and love in lotus feet of God.

Spirituality is art of living that gives the meaning to life, spirituality restricts the ego which is very dangerous for a true life, those afflicted with ego hardly reaches in the orbit of spirituality.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please