Sunday, July 24, 2011

seven dazzling stages

Every one on the cord of being especially born of embryo with an outer membrane undergo seven dazzling stages to cross the step set for mile stone, first that paves the path for is agonizing state in womb of mother next it comes infant baby that wholly remain dependent on mother in compromising mode helpless even to get feed and obey the call of nature rightly.

Then it comes the childhood when freshness of mind picks the sticks of life at fast but still one struggle to attain self status then its youth age that passes with lot of challenges one faces to prove self.

Fifth one is really unique that when one attain experience of unison on sensual platform that tranquilize one to rejoice at its best and it starts with discharging the duties with responsibility and extra affords needs to sustain self on the social cord.

Seventh one leads one to last concluding orbit of life-gradual dwindling, sense organ and sense perception lost its control unto self and a helpless mode that pains even more than mortal pains of life and leads one to final rest.

And this cycle repeats one after the other as night follows the day and day follows the night till one realize ones true self and make an positive effort to submit self in refuge of almighty one.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please