Saturday, August 27, 2011


God is omnipresent and ever remains present in all times all along in the process of creation, sustain and dissolution.

God is present in tiniest specie of life as well in the mighty beings on the planet. God alone is the cause of pace in this universe. Ever changing mode of life and nature is nothing but a feature of God.

In other words, god is truth being ever remains present in all times free from any king of changes to itself hence a never changing scenario is one of the feature of God.

Love is the core essence of ultimate truth; whenever heart gets filled with love means God has manifested.

It is god alone that manifests love in heart that filled with compassion, forgiveness and peace.

God who is infinite love, is guiding, leading and controlling us through the power of love, love along gives the pace to the waves of feeling. Conscious state is prime factor that makes one realize this unique feature of God.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please