Sunday, August 14, 2011


Relationship of man with god is pristine and true one but relationship of Maya with man is restricted to illusion alone.

God never forsake its relationship with man but man under the false influence of Maya.

Realization unto self and supreme one is a step in path to re-establish begotten relationship which in fact is prime aim of being human.

Our responsibility on the subject of life is not restricted to our own sowing and reaping, the result of which is the predicament in which one find self at its most.

To enable self to deal with that predicament and extricate self from the bonds of karma-realization at its true pace is must.

Even if one has to spend his whole life to re-establish the missing link with pristine relationship, it will be great deal as being human. Time spend on the subject is no way time lost but in fact it is time gain to strengthen core base of relationship.

Human body is a rare privilege one cannot afford to mislead self-better be late than never.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please