Sunday, August 7, 2011

what one sows, the same one reaps

Life is full of ups and downs and man witnesses moments of both joy and sorrow, when miseries strikes man, he curses his fate. Theory of fate based on the law of karma but.

One need to realize it that no one is provided with choice in regard to his birth, no one is competent enough to reach at the depth of time with respect to birth, sex, complex, parent’s, society and the place one born in.

But nature has endowed man with intellect with free will and sovereignty and autonomy is confined to the sphere of the won actions during the life time. Unlike other specie man is expected to use his discriminating intellect before he decide to act, in practice man, however, is generally found to act impulsively and later regrets for his mistake.

Mostly on the cord of life one takes very short-term view of life and indulge in activities which give him immediate happiness, indeed it is good but not the best, one needs to have long term vision too.

This universe is govern by the law best known to providence alone but human actions are governed by moral law-what one sows, the same one reaps; no one can escape from the consequences of one’s deeds.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please