Friday, September 2, 2011

abode of Lord

Indeed Lord is omnipresent and ever remains present all over at a time but still there are few favorable abodes of Lord.

Heart of true devotee that keeps uninterrupted faith in mercy of Lord even in adverse circumstances is foremost abode of Lord.

The one that loves the creation of Lord, good or bad, ever respect it as being creation of his beloved, heart of such one is abode of Lord.

The one that believes in disinterested charity and serve the mankind and nature in true spirit, heart of such one is abode of Lord.

Those who have no lust, greed, arrogance, pride or infatuation, are without greed, excitement or anxiety, abode of truth and purity; heart of such people is abode of lord.

The one that who wants nothing in return of his love and submission, bear unspoken tear for lord with natural affinity to; heart of such one is abode of lord.

O mind-need not to wander in search of almighty Lord, just align self with and lord manifest for.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please