Sunday, September 11, 2011


Soul is a fraction of supreme one, disassociates from the source for being diluted with ego may be one of the reason best known to god alone.

Life on the planet is a privilege for soul to prove self on the chapter of truth that free from ego but full of submission for the cause.

Activity of soul is not restricted to this planet alone but barrier of Maya here is really tough to cross.

All animate and inanimate is subject to spirit, soul is all pervading with pace of Maya on the planet.

It pervade, permeates and interpenetrates all the changing form of Maya, it dwells in the chamber of heart for beings and do manifest in atom, electrons and mountains. It indicates organic and inorganic fields of mundane world.

Either it is a sinner or a saint both are part of the supreme one, attitude of sinner leads it to the well of sufferings where as the submission of saint makes it to feel that eternal joy which unites soul with supreme.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please