Saturday, November 12, 2011


There are so many wonders in this world; but greatest among all is this that every one on the cord life sees evidently diurnally innumerable lives, souls snatched by ruthless noose passing to abode of death yet rarely mind it.

Indeed this world is mysterious on many spheres of life; but live mystery is undue clinging, intense yearning for life and immortality though indulge in suffering at every step.

In mundane language attachment is life and detachment is death, Maya creates the veil through attachments and veil separates one from the supreme-this veil will be rent asunder only by death of that aspirants.

Life and death are two faces of the same coin used by the Maya unto sports of God and spirit is subjected to. Death is liberation for aspirants of truth and dark-ten for delusive but transmigration for worldly men.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please