Saturday, December 3, 2011

The lord

The lord is within self but never acts as self. The lord of three spheres is close by but watches alone the deeds but never interfere in law of Karma.

Just as the face seen in the mirror, and reflection in the water, so the god can be seen in the self but one needs to reach at.

Know it and rest assure unto truth that just as life dwells in veins, light in the sun and peace in moon, so does God dwells in self.

The entire creation of God comprising many regions of indescribable splendor are all contained in man but veils of Maya make it hard to reach at, outside world is entirely different than inside-outside world is world of Maya but inside world is a world of truth.

Outside temple is made of worldly pebbles on the land of Maya but inside temple is build by aspiration of devotee on truth of heart and lord itself manifest in for devotee to lead him for Maha-Raas so called emancipation.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please