Thursday, December 29, 2011

supremely cleaver

Malevolent by nature, they who enjoy others wives and others wealth and take delight in slandering others; such vile and sinful men are demons in the garb of human and in Kali age they are in plenty.

But there are very few that who realize the pain and agony of others, there is no virtue like benevolence and no meanness like oppressing others.

It is voice of almighty Lord through saints and sages of time and ages, they who inflict pain on others even after attaining the human body have to suffer the terrible pangs of birth and death again and again.

Dominated by the infatuation and devoted to their self interest men commit various sin and thereby ruin self and their prospects for next world.

They who are supremely cleaver never indulge in sick deeds of Maya, rather take refuge in lord and adore lord to make an easy escape from the pains of birth and rebirth.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please