Thursday, January 12, 2012

most wanted

Magh month and gayatri Mahima both is fulfiller of self in true spirit. Gayatri mantra is very popular verse, to sing and to pray.

Indeed infinite is the glory of Gayatri mantra, greatness of God is communicated in this verse who is creator and controller of the whole universe but excessively compassionate in nature.

This verse itself is dedication to the God alone, truly guided life achieves the goal without any extra efforts is the essence of this mantra in one of its form.

To purify inner self, gayatri mantra is one of the easiest mean to do so, to invoke the blessing of omnipresent almighty God, gayatri mantra is easiest verse to reach at.

Ancient literature, saints and sages of era, including spiritual mystics have elaborated this verse favorably. Gayatri mantra itself leads one to the spiritual zone of inner self for most wanted bliss.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please