Saturday, January 21, 2012

Purity of heart

Purity of heart is prime subject for being a true human, in fact heart is like a temple, presiding deity of this temple is God alone and spirit is to serve this temple in true spirit to attain the motto of being human.

One needs to keep heart pure through thoughts words and deeds; one cannot afford to pollute this pious place. Heart plays vital role to make an easy change-over from mortal to immortal. Heart is fair interactive scared place for spirit.

Prayer of this temple is done with love alone, love that disinterested one; pure and divine. With purity alone God manifest in heart for fair interaction with spirit, the pre-stage of unison.

Pious deeds and charity along with silent sacrifice decorate this temple with flowers of truth which helps in yagna of truth.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please