Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Supreme state of final beatitude

The constant awareness unto truth that I am the same as that of absolute makes one reach in the orbit of ultimate truth, continues practice unto this bare fact in silent mode with chill makes one to lit the lamp in the chamber of heart for the glimpse unto self which dispel dark of duality created by Maya in the journey of life.

When this light of wisdom manifest in heart lot of boons follows it to take one back to the net of Maya and extinguish the lamp of truth that re-lead one to the manifold agonies of transmigration. Indications of Maya are really tough to understand to overcome them in the journey of life except through the shelter in the name of lord.

Supreme state of final beatitude is really difficult as the world of Maya is wise and tough but by worshiping the lotus feet of lord, the same beatitude comes unsolicited ever against our will.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please