Tuesday, May 1, 2012

fair date with ultimate soul-mate

Jai Sri Ram,
Sri Hanuman is a giver of essential discipline must for a truthful life.

Sri Hanuman ji remover of impurities and blemishes of heart and mind, must for a fair life.

Sri Hanuman ji is remover of pains and agonies of life to enlighten the path of joy and celebration.

Sri Hanuman ji is remover of veils created by Maya to hide the truth essence of the self for a fair interaction with self.

Sri Hanuman ji is a giver of Ram bhakti which is very root of liberation from the bondage of ignorance.

Whosoever tern towards Sri Hanuman ji with faith attain the right junction for fair change to a right strip for success in both worlds, one who-turning the attention unto the lotus feet of Sri hanuman is redirected for inward attention which helps one to fair date with ultimate soul-mate.

May lord bless all,

Thanks please