Saturday, June 16, 2012

it is Kali age

Jai Sri Ram,
O mind, it is Kali age, really favorable time to attain easy blessings from the lotus feet of Sri Hanuman, Sri Hanuman ever pose excessively gracious in Kali age to rescue the souls from the jaws of kaal,

Please do not sleep so sound in the dreams of illusion, wakeup to material the truth of self from the grace of Sri Hanuman,

Indeed, thou wilt attain must for being a true human, the bliss if adore the lotus feet of Sri Hanuman, the great giver and donor for virtues,

Please visualize the truth of this Maya which is more than the ocean of dreadful and disastrous in self and opportunity is there to wash out the blemishes of self with a simple refuge in Sri Hanuman,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please