Thursday, June 28, 2012

lotus feet of sri Hanuman is

Jai Sri Ram,
Maya binds spirit with mind, mind that rides the soul, servile to senses it roams recklessly and catch the dirt on the screen of manas which makes spirit suffer in the shadow of ignorance,

Unclean mind lost its discernment and understanding and derail self from the track of being human,

The one who remains in the company of true saints, make it to restrain self from ills of Maya, and decorate heart to perceive truth at its best, and Sri Hanuman is a saint far above the definition of mundane saints,

 To control the mind which is toughest task for anyone in the journey of life, as mind ever remains tagged with countless birth and their baggage-one needs the cool soothing reservoir that giver of peace and bliss and lotus feet of sri Hanuman is,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please