Thursday, July 26, 2012



Jai Sri Rama,
There three stages of manifestation of mother Ganga known in the name of live nectar in the universe since ages and eras,

First it manifest manifest in the kamandal of Lord Brahma as a result of his great penance which he offered in the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari Vishnu to complete his austerity.

From there lord Shiva make her to manifest on the planet for his devotees to attain easy liberation but it chose limited rout to back home and merge its identity in ocean,

Then Lord Shiva make it to manifest her in the form of Sri Ram Katha to bless devotees all over, indeed Sri Ram katha is more pious than any celestial stream in any name and is available to one and all that keeps faith in and sundar kand is one of the most auspicious and sacred Ghat for Holy Dip to remove the blemishes of ignorance.

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please