Monday, August 13, 2012

he respected Sri Sri Sita ji


Jai Sri Ram,
In sundar kand it is highlighted that Sri Hanuman respected all in one or the other way irrespective of merits designated for,

At the journey with very humble request all to wait for him till he return after the task,

He respected menaak at the start of his Arial journey,

He respected the Sursa, mother of serpents, who obstruct his way in the midcap,

He endeavor favor for a Nishichari living with sick mode of life and send her to the sole abode of Lord,

He respected Lankini at the threshold of lanka and respected all queens in the palace of Ravana though in indirect mode, respected all beings even demonesses of lanka,

Indeed he respected Vibhishan beyond measure,

His act in facing the sons of Ravana was more than a respect though in different chapter concern with,

He behaved in true spirit in front of Ravana in his assembly was nothing but the indication unto subject.

Above all he respected Sri Sri Sita ji, the way none can make it through thought words and deeds from the core base of his heart.

The scenario indicate specifically that who so ever make an sincere effect either way to have interaction with Sri Hanuman attain respective respect for ultimate welfare at the gross end.

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please