Tuesday, September 18, 2012

compassionate even to those

Jai Sri Ram,
Ocean expresses his heart in the lotus feet of Lord and seeks forgiveness for being not responsive to the prayer of Lord,

He said, lord all my faults but ether, air, water and the earth is dull by nature, indeed it is cosmic nature of your Maya which brought them forth for the purpose of creation under the impulse from you, as scripture support.

And one would attain happiness in life only remaining where he has been placed by the Lord,

My lord has done all in giving me a lesion and you have fixed the limit for every one that bound to so I am,

A drum, rustic, lower on the chart of human, beast and dull-witted being deserve treat respectively for welfare and I lord I will dry down and your army will pass through but it will indicate bad on me,

On hearing all humble words, Lord smiled at and asks some respective advice on the subject to over-come the hurdle is nature of Lord that ever compassionate even to those indifferent by nature.

May Lord bless all,
Thanks please