Saturday, September 29, 2012


Jai Sri Ram,
It is mentioned in scripture that Formely Mountains had wings and could fly like birds, which was cause of disrupt in day to day theory of geology of the planet and Indra clipped them of their wings by his thunderbolt and since they become stationery,

Menaak  the elder brother of Gauri and son of Himalaya face the wrath of Indra though he was blessed with wind God yet he restrict self in the garb of ocean to wait for the moment till son of wind God reaches out to liberate him once for all through gracious nature alone,

And Sri Hanuman fulfill his wish while crossing the ocean to reach at lanka, menaak wanted to serve the lotus feet of Sri Hanuman but sri hanuman pick the pace of this heart and bless him suitable before moving ahead for the cause,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please 
जय सियाराम