Friday, October 5, 2012

refuge in Lord

Jai Sri Ram,
When one takes refuge in Lord it automatically enhance the will power of concern one, so was the case with Sri Hanuman, he was in refuge of Lord Sri Rama,

When one takes refuge in Lord it automatically induces a sin of hope at the eternal core base of heart which adds to the pace of spirit to carry on with journey midst of all odds and this helps Sri Sita in her span of tremor in Lanka,

When one takes refuge in lord it automatically make it to manifest the spirit to stand up and fight evil, wake up and struggle to establish justice on the face of time and age and vibhishan was the chapter of this scenario,

When one takes refuge in Lord it automatically vanquish weakness of self and sundar kand elaborate it at many junctions and case of Suk was one among them,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please 
जय सियाराम