Saturday, November 24, 2012

Devi Tulsi

Jai Sri Ram,
Today it is day of Devi Tulsi that known in the name of Tulsi Vivah,

Indeed a very auspicious day to worship Devi Tulsi,

In Sundar kand at verse 5, glory of Sri Tulsi ji is high lighted when it makes Sri Hanuman to rejoice eternally on look unto cluster of basil planets, which most developed in the court of saintly souls and devotees of lord sri Hari Vishnu,

Presence of Tulsi in lanka put Sri hanuman on pause for a while that basil in lanka then he realize the truth unto glory of basil that it bound to bless the devotees of Lord sri Hari Vishnu all the way and enlighten their path for ultimate wisdom,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please