Monday, November 5, 2012

Vail of ego

Jai Sri Ram,
Sri Hanuman showing the mirror to Ravana unto his might that I am aware of your glory-you had an encounter with Sahastrabahu, and won distinction in your contest with Bali,

Might of Bali was many times higher than that of Ravana, once upon a time, when Bali was performing his sandhya, Ravana sought to capture him by stealing behind, however got scent of his mischievous intension and the moment Ravana approached Bali the latter caught hold of him and held him secure in his arm pit till he has finished his sandhya and Ravana remains in captivity of Bali for long till his great grand father pursue it with Bali,

Though many cords he tries to make him realize the truth unto his might and the might of Lord Rama but all remains fail because of his ego,

Vail of ego was stronger than the might of Ravana which ultimately cause his fall,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please