Saturday, June 29, 2013

abandon pride

श्री हनुमान चालीसा,
 Jai Sri Ram,
Ravana said to Suka, O fool, that why, confirming the advice of my brother, who by nature is coward, is persistent in demanding of the ocean, impossible in self,

O fool, why do you bestow false praise on the enemy, whose might and wisdom i have fathomed,

Triumph and glory in this world are inaccessible to him who has a cowardly counsellors like vibhishana,

Suka felt angry to hear the words of Ravana and read out the message for him by Laxman That beguiling your mind with flattering words, O fool, do not bring your race to utter ruin, by courting enemy with sri Rama you will not be spared in any case even in refuge of Lord Shiva, therefore abandon pride like your brother either seek refuge in Lord Rama or be consumed with your family like a moth into the fire of shafts of Sri Rama,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please