Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lord felt so distressed

Jai Sri Ram,
When Laxmana fell down faint through the Shakti Shaft, now Meghanada went near him shedding all fear yet not been able to lift Body of Laxmana, felt ashamed of self and returned back with mighty blow of Sri Hanuman,

Sri Rama was very much worried for Laxman today, meanwhile Sri Hanuman brought him seeing his younger brother the way this lord felt sore distressed,

Immediately Sri Jambvaan redirects Sri Hanuman to fetch Sushen most renowned physician of Lanka,

Sri Hanuman immediate acted upon and it took him only few minutes to brought sushen, Sushen bowed his head in the lotus feet of Lord Rama and requested Lord to get herb from Himalaya before next sunrise, Sri Rama assigned this job to Sri Hanuman, Sri Hanuman wasted no time and started his areal journey though ditched by a demon named Kaal Nemi in midway but Makri Helped Sri hanuman to visualize the truth of demon Kaal Nemi and it made him to reach at the destination fast, Sri Hanuman was confused unto truth of herb he rooted up the entire mountain with such herbs and proceed back towards Lord at midnight,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please