Sunday, January 25, 2015

i shall curse him or die at his door,

Jai sri Ram,
Hark-O-contemplative ascetic, if a patient disracted by his malady ask for something which is harmful to him,

The physician would not give it, In a like manner i have resolved on doing what is good to you, So saying lord disappears-under the spell of his Maya the sage was so mystified that he could not understand even such unambiguous words of Lord,  The sage reached at the venue of Swayamber with glad at heart for thoughts within himself, My beauty is so surpassing that the princess will Never commit the error of choosing for her husband anyone else than me,

Two attendants from from Shiva was too happened to be there and they knew about it all, but did not reveal-Princess with wrath of victory in her lotus hands she moved about surveying each of her royal suitors but did not turn towards Narada, again and again sage raised unspoken alarm but-the gracious lord too went there in the form of a king and the princess joyfully placed the wreath of victory round the neck of Lord,

The attendants of Shiva revealed the truth to Narada unto his beauty which made him furious beyond measure-curse them to be born as demon-and reap the rewards-to reach at the truth through glimpse of his image in water his heart found no solace take a vow that either i shall curse him or die at his door,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please