Thursday, March 19, 2015


Jai sri Ram,
The gods, sages and celestial songsters, all repaired to Brahma's abode, with them was poor Earth in the form of a cow grievously stricken with fear and grief,

Brahma came to know everything and realizing in his heart his inability to help her said, the immortal lord whose servants you are will be my help as well as yours,

Have patience, Earth, said Brahma, fix your mind on the feet of Sri Hari Vishnu, the lord know the distress of his servants and will put an end to your terrible suffering,

All the gods sat in counsel, where can we find the Lord, so that we may appeal to him-some suggested that they should go to Viakunha, another said, his abode is in the ocean of milk, the lord always manifest himself in response to the devotion and love one cherished in one's heart, Lord Shiva too happened to be in that assembly and took occasion to put in a word--for aught I KNOW SRI HARI IS PRESENT EVERYWHERE ALIKE AND IS REVEALED ONLY BY LOVE___TELL ME THE PLACE< TIME OR QUARTER OF HEAVEN WHERE THE LORD IS NOT____HE IS YET A DESTITUTE OF EVERYTHING AND PASSIONLESS; HE IS REVEALED BY LOVE EVEN AS FIRE IS MANIFESTED BY FRICTION,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please