Thursday, May 5, 2016


Jai Sri Ram,
सिंहस्थ_कुंभ---Singhast Kumbh is right here to rejoice eternally in love with divine truth,

सिंहस्थ_कुंभ---The festival to adore the truth in varying forms, a festival to adore the truth of Great Planet Jupiter in his transit through zodiac Leo-a define divine festival of eternal light,

सिंहस्थ_कुंभ---The festival of immortality, the festival of colours which colours the spirit in love with ultimate soul mate, festival to have communion with saintly souls, Festival to reach at true self, festival to attain the grace of almighty God,

सिंहस्थ_कुंभ---Singhast Kumbh is an celestial event that manifest on the planet for the cause that to enlighten the spirit for the sole motto of being human, indeed tough yet approachable through refuge in Lord Vishnu, Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please