Thursday, May 19, 2016


Jai Sri Ram,
सिंहस्थ_कुंभ The perfect fulfiller is right here very close on the truth of Singhast Kumbh, Nor far away now, know it all that he is in giving,

Indeed, the almighty one who has created the universe that concern with is right here to help and rescue the lovers that devotees,

He who supplied nourishment to the embryo inverted in the womb, protected the tenderly formed body from the fire of the womb, is right here at the bank of celestial stream to help the travellers that keep quest for,

The almighty companion keeps the company even midst dreads and deadliest dangers, hold steadfast to that beloved-who is close-by in Singhast Kumbh-provider stands with provisions and readily does he provide, man needs to recall him with love and faith, Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please