Sunday, January 15, 2017

intoxication of kingly power

Jai sri Ram
Planing all sorts of wicked schemes the two brothers have collected an army and marched here, if they had no wily intention and roguery at heart, why should like to bring chariots, horses and elephants,

But why one should blame Bharata for nothing when we know that anyone in the world would be driven mad on attaining sovereignty,

The Moon god committed adultery with the wife of his Guru, while Nahusa mounted a palanquin borne by Brahmanas and there was none so vile as king Vena an enemy of established usage as well as of the Vedic Injunctions,

King Sahastrabahu, Indra, Trishanku that father of ahrish Chandra, which of these was not brought into disrepute by the intoxication of kingly power,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please