Thursday, August 31, 2017

never give up

Jai sri Ram
Laxmana reverently laved the lotus feet of sage Narada,

After much supplication and realization that the lord was pleased at heart, with joined Palms Narada Spoke as follow,

Listen O Lord, Generous by nature as you are, you confer delightful boons that are unattainable as well as those that are attainable,

Grand Me My Master, only one boon that i ask of you, even though you already know it even without my asking, indwelling as you do the hearts of all, Lord_ you know my deposition, do i ever hide anything from my devotees,  what object i do hold so dear, O chief of sages, that you may not ask it of me, there is nothing which i may withhold from my votary, never give up this believe even by mistake,

May lord bless all,

Thanks Please