Friday, September 29, 2017

O Devi

Jai sri Ram
Today it is concluding day of Sri Sharad Navratrey, day to worship mother divine, that known in many names,

Indeed Most superior and ever victorious, remover of suffering in all stages of life, and the one that indulge in everything which relates to Maya and Spirit, the giver of joy and peace, the one that co-exist with-the one that eradicate obstacles and with unalloyed consciousness, indeed compassionate beyond bounds that support the cause and truth, nourish all,

Mother divine, the one that impart the strength for victory against all odds, destroy the enemies-giver of spiritual light to track self and the path of wisdom for blissful unison with,

Obeisance to you Mother, Revere your lotus feet with all faith and reverence,

May Lord Bless all

Thanks Please