Friday, February 16, 2018

face to face in battle field

Jai Sri Ram
Thereupon Ravana lifted Mandodary and began to harp on his glory, assured her in many ways and once more went and sat in his council-chamber, asked his ministers-how shall we proceed to fight enemy,

Ministers Replied, why do you ask it again and again, what is there to afraid of, which should engage our thought-human beings, monkeys and bears are our food,

Hearing these words his son Prahasta said with join palms---transgress not the bounds of propriety, your counselors possess very little wit, stupid ministers tell you that which pleasing to their master but truth, listen to my sound advice,

First send envoy to sri Rama, afterwards-when you have restored Janaki, make friend with him, if he withdraws on receiving back his consort, you should have no more quarrel with him, otherwise meet him face to face in battle field,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please