Thursday, April 25, 2019

Sacred Baisakh

Jai sri Ram,
Sacred Baisakh is here to bless the life on varying chapters that relates to, presiding deity of the Month is Lord Vishnu, sri Vishnu Pad Puja is the subject of the month for devotees to make it for the eternal cause,

Sri Ram is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, manifest for the cause of devotees, Brahmanas, cows, gods and the earth,

Chanting the name of lord Rama may help one to regain the lost wisdom of soul, the power of sound vibration is long since acknowledged in the field of life sciences and these vibrations can penetrate the deep down and high in the sky of self to energies self at subtle and cosmic levels to meet the challenges of journey here and hereafter,

 Indeed chanting the name of sri Rama as per prescribed norms of the time and ages from the scripts of sages and saints may set out harmonious patters to the format of entity soul bear with,

May lord Bless all,

Thanks Please