Monday, June 3, 2019

Sri Somvati Amavasya

Jai Sri Ram,
It is very auspicious chapter of celestial culture, Sri Sri Somvati Amavasya, New Moon day that falls on gracious Monday, Monday-the day of divine nectar, it helps aspirants to make it for self on the path of truth and the cause,

When the person was given birth, his destiny was marked on his forehead, neither increase not decrease in any circumstances but for the occasions which manifest with time and again, 

All arrangements has the creator made, and all beings did he create, the creator is almighty and may be in very close proximity with one on occasions in line with truth of celestial culture which manifest for man to help with time and again,

One needs to realize and realign self with, today is the day to mark with, in love with ultimate soul mate, syllabus is available with, one needs to chose from on the pitch of priority,

May lord Bless all,

Thanks please