Tuesday, March 9, 2021

She was reborn as Parvati

 Jai Sri Ram, 

As is well known to the world, Daksha met the same fate which an opponent of Sambhu Generally meet,

The story is known throughout the world, while dying, Sati asked a boon of Sri Hari that she might remain devoted to the feet of Shiva in all successive births,

That is why She was reborn as Parvati, the daughter of Himalaya and Maina, ever since Uma was born in the house of Himalaya the mountain become an abode of all blessings and prosperity, Sages built beautiful hermitages here and there and Himalaya assigned them suitable abodes in the form of caves, 

Young trees of different varieties were endowed with never failing blossoms and fruits and mines of jewels of various kinds appeared on the beautiful mountain, all the rivers bore holy waters, birds, beasts and bees, all rejoiced, all animals gave up their natural antipathies and all those who dwelt on the mountain loved one another, every day brought a new delight to the house of Himalaya, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please