Sunday, August 21, 2022

The river of Sri Rama's glory

 Jai Sri Ram,

The river of Sri Rama's glory is delightful during all six seasons, 

It is exceedingly charming and holy at all times,

The wedding of Goddess Parvati, the daughter of Himalaya, with Lord Shiva represents Hemanta or the cold season while the festival connected with the Lord's advent represents the delightful Shishir or chilly season,

The story of preparations for Rama's wedding constitutes the vernal season, the king if all seasons, which abounds in joy and felicity,

while Sri Rama's departure for the forest constitutes the oppressively hot weather and the tale of his wanderings represents the blazing sun and hot winds, the terrible conflicts with the demons represent the rainy season, which constituted a veritable blessing to the paddy crop in the form of Gods, while the prosperity attending Sri Rama's reign, his politeness and glory represent the cloudless, delightful and charming autumn, the recital of the virtues of Sita, the crest jewel of the faithful wives, constitutes the excellence of the transparent and incomparable water, and Bharat's amiability represents its coolness, which is uniform at all times and beyond description, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please