Saturday, September 3, 2022

the gigantic demon

 Jai Sri Ram,

Tell me in detail, My master, the story whereby my overwhelming perplexity may be overcome,

Yajnavalkya said the glory of the Lord of Raghus is already known to you, you are a devotee of Rama in thought, word, and deed,

I have  come to know your ingenuity, you wish to hear an account of the hidden virtues of Rama, that is why you have questioned me as if you were quite ignorant, 

Listen then, with devoted attention, my child, while I narrate the beautiful story of Rama, appalling ignorance is the gigantic demon Mahisasura, so called because he was endowed with the form of a buffalo, while narratives of Rama is the dread Kalika, who made short work of the demon,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please