Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Sankara spoke not a word,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Then Shankara bowed His head at the feet of the lord, and as soon as He invoked Sri Rama the idea come to his mind that He should have no connection with Sati so long as she continued to remain in that Body,

Shiva resolved accordingly and having so resolved the stable minded Lord Sankara proceeded towards His Home Kailasha with his mind fixed on the Hero of Raghus race Rama, even as he stepped forward a charming voice from heaven thundered forth, Glory to Lord Shiva, who has so staunchly upheld the cause of devotion,

Who else than you can take such a vow, you are a devotee of Sri Rama the heavenly voice, she addressed Shiva in a filtering voice, tell me of merciful Lord, what vow you have taken,

You are an embodiment of truth and compassionate to poor, even though Sati Inquired in many ways, the slayer of the demon Tripura, Sankara spoke not a word, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please