Tuesday, April 11, 2023

attire of bridegroom

 Jai Sri Ram.

Celestial damsels rained down flowers and sang, after due homage, reverence, and courtesy the deputations conducted the bridegroom party to the logging, magnificent were the rooms assigned to them, provided with all kinds of comfort, hearing Sita's command they repaired to the guest's apartments with every kind of riches, 

People of the city were delighted beyond measure, everyone enjoy transcendental bliss and prayed for lightened days and nights on the occasion, Sita is an incarnation of Janaka's merits and Rama is Dasratha's virtue personified, citizens addressed themselves that providence has ordained things well, 

The sight of Sri Rama was so soothing to the guests, time and again Janaka send for Sita, there will be hospitality of every kind, four brothers attract the mind but cannot be described in words, no match in the three worlds,

The most auspicious sacred hour before sunset arrived, perceiving the propitious omens, the Brahmans praised Janaka for its approach, the king asked the family priest, why the delay now, there was great rejoicing in the court of the king, the joy  which Sita's mother felt in her heart on beholding Rama in the attire of bridegroom was more than anything, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please