Sunday, July 2, 2023

Describing Rama's beauty they all came

 Jai Sri Ram,

After paying them due honor Rama dismissed the holy throng and they practiced Yoga, Japa, and austerities and performed sacrifices unmolested in their own retreats, When Kolas and Bhilas got this news, felt delighted as if reached heavenly treasures, 

Describing Rama's beauty they all came and behold the truth, placing their offerings before Rama greeted him and regarded him with deep affection, Thrilling all over themselves with tears of love for Rama,

Rama received them all overwhelmed with emotion, address them all in kind ascent, and treated them with all honor, 

While they in their turn greeted Rama again and again with joined palms and silent truth of self,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please