Thursday, August 24, 2023

stories of Vedas puranas and Agmas,

 Jai Sri Ram,

There Bharata with all hosts bathed in the sacred Mandakini, then proceeded to the place where Sri Sita and Rama are, 

Whenever Bharata thought of Sri Rama his anxiety and affection went beyond the horizon, and auspicious omens occurred time and again, 

On the way, numerous hermits' habitations in the forest region were like many beautiful towns and cities by the proximity of Rama, 

Beholding the beauty of Rama heart of Bharata overflowed with love and emotions, Nishada pointed out the location of the hermitage of Rama surrounded by Jambu that black plum, mango, and Tamala, Paakar and other noble fig trees, Charming basil shrubs that were planted by Sita and an alter under the thick banyan tree seated whereupon Sita and Rama listen to a crowd of hermits every day about the stories of Vedas puranas and Agmas, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please