Wednesday, March 27, 2024

In the kingdom of Lord Rama

 Jai Sri Ram,

In the kingdom of Lord Rama, all men loved one another, each followed one's prescribed duty, conformably to the precepts of the Vedas, Dharma with its four pillars That Truth, Purity, Compassion and Charity, reigned everywhere, no one even dream of sin,

Men and women alike were devoted to Sri Rama's worship, and all were qualified for beatitude, 

There was no premature death nor suffering of any kind, everyone was comely and sound of body,

No one was destitute, afflicted, or miserable, no was stupid or devoid of auspicious marks, all were unaffectedly good, pious and virtuous, all were cleaver and accomplished, both men and women, everyone recognized the merits of others and was learned and wise, everyone acknowledged the services and benefits received from others and there was no guileful prudence,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please